Deadline to Answer a Lawsuit in Texas
If you are served with a lawsuit in Texas, you are required to file a timely written answer to the lawsuit with the court, or the Plaintiff may seek a default judgment against you. There are different deadlines for filing your answer depending on whether you were sued in Justice of the Peace, County, or District court.
Justice of the Peace Court Answer Deadline: if you are served a lawsuit in person or by posting to your door, the deadline to file an answer to the lawsuit is 14 days after the date you were served.
Note: if the 14th day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the answer is due the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
County or District Court Answer Deadline: if you are served a lawsuit by a process server or constable in person or by posting to your door, the deadline to file an answer is the Monday following 20 days after the date you were served.