Consumer Debt Defense

If you have been sued by a creditor or debt buyer for an alleged unpaid debt, or if you have been the victim of unlawful or abusive debt collection actions, Mr. Brown is prepared to defend you and take action to protect your legal rights.

Collection efforts and lawsuits can cause consumers to feel anxiety and uncertainty, and Mr. Brown will ensure you are aware of the protections afforded by the law and provide representation and counsel during any legal proceedings.

Specific Services:

  • Representation
    • Defend clients against lawsuits including appearing at scheduled court hearings, attending mediation, and representing you at trial.
    • Conduct discovery to ensure the debt is valid and the amount claimed by the creditor or debt buyer is accurate.
    • If the suit is filed by a debt buyer, ensure the debt buyer has proof they own the debt.
    • File lawsuits or counterclaims in the event a client's rights have been violated.
  • Negotiation & Settlement
    • Stop collector phone calls and have future communications directed to the law office.
    • Contact creditors or debt collectors and attempt to negotiate a resolution or settlement on a client's behalf.
  • Judgment Releases, Lien Releases, and Homestead Partial Lien Releases
    • Contact creditors or judgment holders to negotiate settlements and to secure releases of judgments and liens.
    • Obtain partial releases of liens on protected homestead properties.

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